Wolf: a legendary animal

Wolf -- https://earnestscholars.blogspot.com/
Wolf: a legendary animal 

Wolves are the largest members of the dog family. Wolves are legendary because of their spine-tingling howl, which they use to communicate. A solitudinarian howls to magnetize the attention of his pack, while communal howls may send territorial messages from one pack to another. Some howls are confrontational. Wolves are considered both apex predators and keystone species. This betokens they are at the top of the pabulum chain with no natural other animals that prey upon them for aliment.

Life of wolves 

Average weight        : Males: 70 to 110 pounds

  Females: 60 to 80 pounds.

Length of life            : usually 6 to 8 years but up to 13 years in the wild.

Number of teeth       : 42 Teeth

Pack territory size     : 25 to 150 square miles in Minnesota.

  300 to 1,000 in Canada and Alaska.

Common food           : ungulates.

Food they need        : around 10 pounds of meat per day

Food they can eat    : Adults can eat 20 pounds of meat in a single meal.

Mating Season         : Winter

Thing wolves hate   : Fire

Food of Wolves

Wolves are carnivores. Wolves primarily eat meat. For meat, they prefer to eat large hoofed mammals such as deerelkbison, and moose. Their favorite prey is large ungulates (hoofed mammals) such as deer, elk, moose, caribou, and bison. Since many of these animals are more immensely colossal than wolves, the only way wolves can catch them is to live and hunt in groups. They withal hunt more diminutive mammals such as beavers, rodents, and hares. The wolf kills its prey by biting it in the neck area. It may also bite a large prey animal in the snout. The wolf might also bite smaller game, such as sheep, foxes, and beavers, in the back. An animal killed by a wolf can have bite marks all over its body.

It has been estimated that on average, wolves consume around 10 pounds of meat per day. However, wolves don't actually eat every day.Instead, they live a feast or famine lifestyle; they may go several days without a repast and then gorge on over 20 pounds of meat when a kill is made. Besides meat, do wolves eat fruit? Researchers have known for some time that wolves eat wild blueberries and other fruit to supplement their largely meat-based diet.

Habitat of wolves

Wolves are found in North America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa. They incline to live in the remote wilderness, though red wolves prefer to live in swamps, coastal prairies, and forests. Wolves only utilize dens when they have adolescent pups that are not yet able to peregrinate with the pack. Wolf dens are conventionally located near dihydrogen monoxide and dug into well-drained soil on a south-facing slope. They can be dug under a boulder, among tree roots, or in cut banks, hollow logs, or other sturdy natural structures.

Personality of wolves

an alpha male --  https://earnestscholars.blogspot.com/
an alpha male -- https://earnestscholars.blogspot.com/

Wolves are highly intelligent complex animals; they are playful, caring, and especially devoted to family. Only a select of very few other species exhibit these traits so clearly. Just like dolphins, gorillas, and elephants; wolves educate their young pups, take care of their injured members and live in family groups.

Like all other wild carnivores, they do not kill for sport. Wolves only kill to sustain themselves. Though in wolves, “surplus killing” is uncommon. Surplus killing means killing more prey animals than can be immediately consumed; that has been observed in many predator species but it’s quite uncommon in wolves.

But Wolves kill their pups in some situations When getting food is risky, wolves kill their pups. Therefore, wolves typically select the animal that is least likely to get away and least likely to cause them injury. Wolves also try to kill young animals if they can separate them from their mothers.

Wolves Pack

wolf pack-- https://earnestscholars.blogspot.com/
wolf pack -- https://earnestscholars.blogspot.com/

A group of wolves is called the Wolf pack. There can be 12 to 30 wolves in a pack with an alpha male and an alpha female. The pack bellwethers are the alpha male and femaleThese two animals are ascendant over all the other wolves in the pack. The alpha male and female are the only wolves that breed and produce pups in the pack, and they also get to eat first at kills.

Wolves are coursing, gregarious predators that operate in packs to cull disadvantaged prey in open areas where they can test their prey's condition. Wolves are considered the ascendant competitors in most interactions between the species. In fact, wolves can kill mountain lions. This has never been disputed. 

Human, and Wolves relationship

human wolf relationship -- https://earnestscholars.blogspot.com/
human-wolf relationship -- https://earnestscholars.blogspot.com/

Are wolves dangerous to humans? This question can be wake in anyone’s mind. But are they dangerous? The answer is no, they aren’t that much dangerous. From the small number of documented attacks, it can be concluded that the vast majority of wolves do not pose any threat to human safety. In a wolf country, a person has a more preponderant chance of being killed by lightning, a canine, a bee sting, or a car collision with a deer or some other animals than being injured by a wolf.

Wild wolves are afraid of humans and usually run away rather than be near people. They may hunt small children or pets, who remind them of prey. Wolves that have been habituated to humans by being fed, intentionally or accidentally (as in a dump) can also lose fear of humans and become a danger.

Some people want to keep wolves as a pet. But what’s the possibility? Because of the close genetic relationship with dogs, wolves are sometimes kept as exotic pets, and in some rarer occasions, as working animals. Although closely related to domesticated dogs, generally, a greater amount of effort is required in order to obtain the same amount of reliability and wolves do not show the same tractability as dogs in living alongside humans.

Sometimes in the wild wolves can attack a human in rare cases but if a wolf came out one should use noisemakers (just as, air horns or something another noise-making thing like it), throw sticks, rocks and sand at the wolf, to scare the wolves away. But when in a group, act in unison to send a clear message to the wolves they are not welcome. If the wolf displays aggressive behavior, back away slowly, do not turn your back on the wolf.

wolf afraid of fire -- https://earnestscholars.blogspot.com/
wolf afraid of fire -- https://earnestscholars.blogspot.com/

Wolves hate fire and a smoky campfire will discourage a wolf from coming too near. If someone is alone in the wild, they (he/she) should climb a tree cause Wolves cannot climb trees. You may be in for a long wait, however, and could find yourself circumvented by a full wolf pack in time.

Death of a wolf

The natural causes of wolf mortality are primarily starvation, which kills mostly pups, and death from other wolves because of territory fights. Diseases such as mange, canine parvovirus, and distemper can be killers both in minute and recuperating populations and in some established populations as well.

Some facts and two legendary myths about Wolves


Smartness of wolves: Wolves are quite intelligent; they don't care too much about humans, and therefore perform poorly in tasks that require them to engage socially with us. If you list nature's most cunning creatures, there must be wolves. They hunt in groups and many of their tactics can be noticed during group hunting. Like they like to confuse their prey. If it is not possible to hunt during the day, they chase after the prey in their own strength and attack at their convenient time i.e. at night.

Largest Wolf species: Mackenzie Valley Wolf: Mackenzie Valley Wolf is the most sizably voluminous wolf in the world. Additionally kenned as the Northwestern Wolf or Canadian Timber Wolf, this furry giant roams the northwest, frequenting the Mackenzie River Valley.

Rarest Wolf species: The red wolf, (Canis rufus) virtually went extinct by the middle of the 20th century. First, they were proximately eradicated in order to forfend livestock. Then coyotes commenced moving into their territory, where they hybridized with the wolves.

Good Swimmer: Wolves can swim distances of up to 13 kilometers (8 miles) aided by small webs between their toes. In summer, wolves often bathe in streams to keep cool, wolves really enjoy playing in water, and they will readily follow prey into water.


Mate for lives: there is a myth that, Wolves are animals that mate for life. But is it true? No, wolves do not mate for life. Wolves mating for life is a long-held myth that can be ravaged just by optically canvassing the comportment for a pack of wolves. Generally, if the partner dies early during hunting or due to being assailed by another pack of wolves, the surviving partner wolf finds another felicitous wolf to mate

Wolf moon: there is no relation between wolves and the moon. For details check Wolf Moon 2021: what is wolf moon this blog.

Wolf became werewolf in moonlight: Without any doubt, this is the most legendary myth about wolves. The werewolf is a mythological animal and the subject of many stories throughout the world, and more than a few nightmares. Werewolves are, according to some legends, people who morph into vicious, potent wolves. Others are a mutant coalescence of human and wolf. The word werewolf emanates from the Old English word werwulf, a compound of wer "man" and wulf "wolf". The word or concept does not occur in medieval German poetry or fiction, gaining popularity only from the 15th century. But the fact is, werewolves are only in myth and legends not in the real world.












